Observation: Mirror Lake Environs

Observation Date
Observer Name
Ted Scroggin
Uintas » Mirror Lake Environs
Location Name or Route
Mirror Lake Hwy-Bald Mt.
Snow Profile
A short walk around the Mirror Lake and Bald Mt. area to look at conditions. The recent storm left about 6-10" depending on elevation and this new snow was falling on a few inches from the mid October storm. The low elevations and south facing slopes were mostly bare ground prior to this recent snow. The conditions are still very thin with the usual rocks, trees etc... just barely covered. I did notice a sled track in the High Line Trailhead meadow with just enough snow for an easy stroll on the grassy areas. The wind and new snow has drifted in some places and started to fill in some terrain, but it is far from the start of the winter season.
Today's Observed Danger Rating
Tomorrows Estimated Danger Rating