Forecast for the Salt Lake Area Mountains

Mark Staples
Issued by Mark Staples on
Monday morning, October 17, 2022
Welcome to the start of the 2022-2023 winter season. It's officially Fall, but it has been quite warm and dry. That may change this weekend.
For now, thanks for checking the forecast and stay tuned. We'll issue updates as conditions warrant with regular forecasts and danger ratings often starting in early December.
Learn how to read the forecast here
Special Announcements
Sign up for the 15th Annual Utah Snow and Avalanche Workshop (USAW) on two nights, November 2nd and 9th. Sign up and get more info for the first session HERE and the second session HERE.
The Avalanche Professional and Ski Patrol Snow and Avalanche Workshop (PROSAW) will be during the day of November 7th. Sign up and get more info HERE.
Weather and Snow
The first snow may be arriving this weekend with a cold front moving through northern Utah on Saturday evening. It is always fun to see snow in the mountains, but early season snow is often a bad thing if it doesn't melt away.

It's never to early to start thinking about avalanches. A few things to consider doing:
  1. Attend USAW and learn more about avalanches and decision making.
  2. Sign up for an avalanche class.
  3. Take the all new online avalanche courses the UAC built for Know Before You Go or take other online courses listed on the KBYG website (Develop skills -> Online Learning).
  4. Get your avalanche rescue gear ready for winter. Put fresh batteries in your transceiver and update the firmware. Inspect your shovel and probe. Get your airbag backpack ready by possibly doing a test deployment and update the firmware if it is an electric version.

Stay tuned. We'll be watching each storm and publishing intermittent updates.